NRA Refuse To Be A Victim® Seminar

The four hour Refuse To Be A Victim® seminar is designed to give you the knowledge you need to develop a personal safety strategy.
Filling up at the gas station. Getting cash from an ATM. Going to your car in a parking garage. Common, everyday acts we perform without thinking. Any one of them could make us a victim of crime. The NRA Refuse To Be A Victim seminar can show you how to navigate your day safely. Click here to register.
Experts agree that the single most important step toward ensuring your personal safety is making the decision to refuse to be a victim. That means that you must have an overall personal safety strategy in place before you need it.
Refuse To Be A Victim® is a gun neutral program which was originally developed by the NRA to help women to avoid being victimized by increasing their level of awareness both in and outside the home, as well as introducing them to a variety of options for self-defense.
In the seminar, you will learn about:
- The Psychology of Criminal Predators
- Mental Preparedness & Home Security
- Physical Security & Automobile Security
- Technological Security & Identity Theft
- Out Of Town Travel Security
- Self-Defense Physical Training
- Personal Protection Devices
Course Duration
The seminar is normally a four-hour block. Additional information important to your group can be added.
Course Format
Classroom only. Printed materials will be provided to each student who is preregistered.
What to Bring?
Notetaking material if desired