Frequently Asked Questions
When you’re doing your research for the best firearms instruction for your money, the only stupid question is the one you don’t ask.
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Are you NRA certified?
Instructors at The Tactical Pirate carry at minimum an NRA Instructor certification.
Do I get my carry permit from you?
The concealed carry permit comes from the State of South Carolina. We provide the mandated training, range qualification, testing, fingerprinting, and photgraphing. We step you through completing the application paperwork, and even mail it for you.
Do you furnish the firearms for your courses?
We do not supply the firearms for our courses. The intent is to make you proficient with YOUR gun. The carbine and handgun courses rely on sight adjustment (zero) that is different for everyone, making loaner guns impractical. Shotgun courses identify what brand and type of ammunition pattern the best in each particular gun. The only exception is our SC Concealed Weapon Permit class, where we have a .38 Special revolver and a 9mm pistol available for range qualification. We make this exception because we understand that not all attendees will have purchased a carry handgun prior to the class, and we cover selection criteria as part of the course.
Do you offer courses for children and if so, what ages do they start at?
Children are welcome in the NRA Basic Pistol, NRA Firearms Safety In The Home, Basic Shotgun, and Basic Carbine classes. They must be accompanied by a parent of guardian. They must be mature enough to safely handle firearms and not be a disruption to the class. (Same criteria is applied to adults.) Unsafe or disruptive behavior will result in removal from the class without refund.
Do you supply the ammunition for your courses?
We do not supply ammunition for the course. Students are responsible for bringing the required amount.
How do I find your range on a map?
There is a map embedded into each course description page.
How do I sign up for a class?
We use as our third party registration and payment partner. Click this link to go to our page, select the course you wish to take, and follow the registration and payment steps.
How safe is your range?
Safety is paramount. We take every precaution to prevent mishaps, and keep the shooter to instructor ratio low to minimize confusion.
How will your coaching improve your students marksmanship skills?
Using feedback from your target and observing your shooting, we suggest changes to grip and stance as well as suggesting range drills to reinforce skills taught. It is up to the student to implement the changes and practice the drills.
What kind of tactical training am I going to get?
We teach basic movement and shooting from cover. Team movement and advanced techniques are limited to our law enforcement and military restricted courses. Those are co-developed with the agency/unit to seamlessly mesh with their equipment, agency policies and procedures, regulations, and TTPs. For civilians, the odds of you ever doing any form of team movement are extremely thin. We prefer to teach real-world, applicable skills and focus on individual movement techniques and marksmanship skills.
Why do you charge more than other instructors?
We charge more because we deliver more. Take our SC Concealed Weapons Permit course for example. Typically, instructors provide the bare minimum of training to satisfy the state’s requirements. We provide an eight hour session that includes fingerprinting, paperwork completion, and administration of the test and range qualification. We cover far more than the state mandates, subjects other instructors don’t even consider. We want to give our students all the information they should have after they make the decision to provide for their own safety. Our students are far better informed than others. Check and compare our competition’s course curricula, and you’ll see that we offer far more.